NetCity project not viable, says ACC

Publish date: Astazi, 14-11-2007
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NetCity, the project of Bucharest City Hall, which refers to the construction of a metropolitan telecommunication network, is not feasible neither economically nor technically. The president of the Association of Cable Communication (ACC), Radu Petric, declared that the construction of this network has started in certain areas of Bucharest, although the technical and economic details have not been established.

Petric warned that NetCity could create a monopoly in Bucharest, and therefore the European Commission could block the project. "The development of communications in Bucharest is completely blocked because NetCity in its current variant is not viable, we cannot expand on pylons, nor can we bury money in the underground infrastructure, and then renounce it if the metropolitan network is built," commented Petric.

The project is also impossible to carry out because the construction and maintenance costs are not known, which conducts to the impossibility to know the price paid by clients.

ACC supports the telecommunication network, in the conditions in which the City Hall offers economic conditions of access attractive for the cable operators.

At a cost of EUR 30,000 per km of underground sewage, the price announced by the City Hall, not any company will participate, because the price is too big.

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