Romanians' savings in banks up 34 pc in 2007

Publish date: Astazi, 14-11-2007
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The average amount saved by a Romanian in a banking depot was, by the end of September, RON 3,500 (over EUR 1,000), up 34.6 per cent against the end of 2006, shows the semester bulletin published yesterday by the Fund for the guarantee of the deposits in the banking system, according to Mediafax. By the end of the past year, the average was around RON 2,600.

For firms, the average deposit was, at the end of September, RON 138,300, up 28.1 per cent against the second quarter of this year, when the companies from Romania saved in the banks an average amount of RON 108,000, over 38 per cent more than at the end of the past year.

The average value of the deposits attracted by the financial and banking institutions participating to the Fund was, at the end of the third quarter 2007, RON 10,300, 14.4 per cent over the level from June 30, 2007, and 63.5 per cent over the level from the end of 2006.

After the first nine months of the current year, the volume of the total deposits of the credit institutions participating to the Fund reached RON 176.6 bln, up 79.3 per cent over the same period of the past year.

Of the total guaranteed deposits, those in RON represented 53.2 per cent, while those in foreign currency 46.8 per cent, after the first nine months of this year. The annual growth rate of deposits in foreign currency was faster than that of the deposits in RON - 120.2 per cent for the deposits in foreign currency and 51.6 per cent for the deposits in RON at the end of September 2007 vs. the same month of the past year.

Nine O'Clock

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