2007 - year of mobile telephony

Publish date: 23-01-2007
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The mobile telephony industry could strengthen its position as main telephony network worldwide this year, reads a recent Deloitte survey on top IT & C trends in 2007.

More and more landline users renounce the service and choose the mobile telephony using mobile phones even when at home rather than only when they are away.

Specialists warn that the rapid developments should cause mobile telephony operators to take more the changing of tariffs more seriously. This year they will also need to make a radical change of their strategies and to include the provision of integrated services and they deployment of a larger urban network to cope with the increasing number of phone calls.

Low interest in mobile broadcasting

Another forecast for 2007 suggests that, despite all debates about broadcasting to mobile devices, the consumers have shown little interest and the same trend is expected for the entire 2007 as well. Nonetheless, if the data flow could be reversed, meaning if video content could be sent from the mobile device to the TV set – or to any other device with an appropriate screen – such data traffic could turn out to be profitable. The print industry has to know the fact that it will take the Internet years of not decades to completely replace paper. In the meantime, profit can be made from paper and pixels but only if companies are able to reform traditional formats by developing new products and services both for online systems and for the print material.

Nine O'Clock

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