European rail liberalisation by 2010

Publish date: 19-01-2007
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The European railway sector will be liberalised and access will be opened to competition in the international passenger transport services by the 1st of January 2010, and for other type of railway transport by 2017 – was the decision made yesterday by the European Parliament, who adopted the proposal of the Commission on Transport and Tourism within the legislative forum of the EU. The new member states of the EU will have the right to postpone by a period of maximum five years the entry into competition of the domestic passenger railway services.

At the same time, the EP adopted a report on the rights and obligations of international railway passengers and of domestic train service passengers. The procedures refer to the information of the passengers, medical assistance in case of accidents, support for disabled people. The commission report also proposes compensations as follows: 25 per cent of the second class ticket price for 60-minute delay or more, 50 per cent for 120 minute delays or more only if the responsibility is with the train operator. The compensations are to be paid within a month of submitting the request. They can be in cash or in the form of free fares, reduced fares or extended validity of existing passes. All train stations will have to be equipped with special areas for children carts, bicycles and sports equipment, as well as physical access for disabled people.

Another report adopted stipulates the need to certify train operators who will be issued professional certificates.

Nine O'Clock

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