Last update: 22.10.2024


  • 28 Apr 2010 | International
    InfoMatrix: Romanians - the best at 'little robots' and 'computer art'

    Six Romanian teams including pupils, students and teachers, won medals in the final stage of the 8th edition of the InfoMatrix International Computer Projects Competition, that happened in Bucharest, over April 23 - 26

  • 09 Apr 2010 | International
    US Ambassador to Romania: We strongly advice rejected applicants to not ask for a new entry visa

    The USA Embassy in Bucharest recommends Romanians who have failed to get an entry visa to not try for a second time, unless their situation has recorded considerable and positive changes. The statement was made by the American ambassador Mark Gitenstein, when launching an information campaign on obtaining the temporary US visa

  • 08 Apr 2010 | International
    Romanians of Canada might draw pensions for working in Romania

    The Romanians who have settled in Canada might draw pensions for their employment in Romania, according to a draft law ratifying a Romanian-Canadian agreement on social security issues, adopted by the Romanian Government on Wednesday

  • 07 Apr 2010 | International
    IMF on the hotspot

    Implications the Fund has fuelled the crisis are an exaggeration, Romanian economists think. The financial institution clearly denies allegations. Czech central bank Vice-Governor Mojmir Hampl recently said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) fuelled the economic crisis in emerging Europe last year in order to create the sort of situation that would make states in the region seek its assistance.

  • 19 Feb 2010 | International
    Report: EU biofuels target could starve millions of people

    Millions of people could starve if member states deliver on the EU's target of sourcing 10% of its transport fuel from biofuels as a way of tackling climate change, argues a new report from ActionAid, an NGO."The huge expansion in industrial biofuels use must be stopped," said ActionAid's biofuels expert Tim Rice

  • 11 Dec 2009 | International
    Google awards iQuest for application in tourism field

    Romanian-German company iQuest ranked 1st in the 'tourism' category in a global competition initiated by Google to award the best applications developed for Android operation system phones. The award came accompanied by a with 100,000-dollar cheque too

  • 07 Dec 2009 | International
    Gazprom and GSP sign $269 mln contract

    Grup Servicii Petroliere (GSP), a Romanian company performing offshore drilling, controlled by businessman Gabriel Comanescu, signed a $269 million (€179 mln) contract with the Russian Gazprom giant, stating that the former will build a gas pipeline under the Black Sea that will also serve the Russian town of Sochi, which will host the 2014 Olympic Winter Games

  • 12 Oct 2009 | International
    KPMG study: Recession provides tough stress test for global transfer pricing rules

    Good documentation may no longer be enough. Advance Pricing Agreements (APA) limitations exposed by changing markets. Many transfer pricing systems around the world are coming under unprecedented stress, as the global recession forces companies and revenue authorities to reassess their economic expectations, a new study from KPMG's Global Transfer Pricing Services group has found

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