Archive » May 2010 » 17 May 2010 The english news from 17 May 2010

  • PNL adopts an economic anti-crisis programme to present at the CES reunion

    The PNL chairman Crin Antonescu stated on Friday in a press conference that the economic programme proposed by the liberals will be discussed and approved on Monday in the meeting of the National Executive Council to be later presented in the CES meeting, where the liberals were invited by the chairman of the Economic and Social Council (CES)…

  • KPMG: Employers ask for legislative flexibility on labour relations

    Employers back the adoption of legislative framework amendments in view of making the labour relations more flexible and increasing the local labour market competitiveness, KPMG Romania Consultancy Department Director Mihaela Buzila told Agerpres on Friday…

  • Past due loans topped Euro 880 million in March

    30-day loan delinquencies reached Euro 880 million in March (3.6 billion lei) 2.6-fold higher than year-ago level, and 27% higher than end-2009.The value of loan payments 30 days or more overdue rose to 3.6 billion lei (Euro 880 million), markedly higher than 1.4 billion lei in the same period of last year, data from the National Bank of Romania show…

  • Daniel Daianu endorses budget expenditure cuts

    The Romanians' sole chance to overcome crisis is to help themselves alone, to find resources within the country, and take very much care of the public good, financial analyst Daniel Daianu opines. Both the last employee and the prime minister have to be equally responsible for taking the country out of the crisis, namely the budget costs have to be diminished as much as possible…

  • Romanian banking system's Q1 assets drop modestly

    Assets of Romanian banking system dropped 0.08% year-on-year in the Jan-Mar 2010 period to Euro 78.13 billion. In local currency, the industry's assets fell 3.2% to 320 billion lei, according to data provided by NBR. At the end of 2009, Romanian banks' collective net assets totaled 330.6 billion lei…

  • CNS Cartel Alfa leader: Protest rally scheduled for Wednesday to be held regardless of CES session results

    The protest rally scheduled for Wednesday in Victoria Square will be held regardless of the result of today's session of the Economic and Social Committee (CES), CNS Cartel Alfa leader Bogdan Hossu told a press conference. "The protest rally scheduled for Wednesday will take place regardless of what CES says today, since there exists no government document to guarantee that the Committee's decisions will be observed,"…

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