Archive » March 2010 » 05 March 2010 The english news from 05 March 2010

  • European financing for energy efficiency projects

    A number of 19 Romanian companies received EUR 15.9 million in European funding under the Energy Efficiency Financing Facility (EEFF), a program developed by the European Commission and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for the financing of energy efficiency projects in the private industrial sector…

  • Gazprom accepted on Romanian OPCOM market

    The UK Gazprom Marketing & Trading Ltd subsidiary, owned by the Russian energy giant Gazprom, was granted the right to trade electric power on the bilateral agreement market for the power exchange of Romanian power market operator (OPCOM), daily Financiarul informs…

  • Debts to Romania: 1.2 billion dollars

    Other states debts to Romania, based on the contracts concluded prior to 1989 with 13 countries, exceed 1.2 billion dollars, to which almost two billion transferable roubles are added, owned by Cuba, but no progress was made with the authorities in Havana in the past twenty years, Bursa daily informs…

  • Romania's GDP shrinks 6.5% in 4Q

    Romania's gross domestic product for the fourth quarter 2009 contracted 6.5% from the same period of 2008, according to the revised data provided by the National Institute of Statistics.The country's GDP for the last quarter of 2009 is estimated at 152.295 billion lei (€35.7 billion)…

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