Archive » June 2010 » 02 June 2010 The english news from 02 June 2010
Romania, in meeting on adoption of EU Energy strategy until 2020
Energy policy goals for Europe 2020 Strategy must include development of infrastructure and creation of an energy system based on low carbon emissions, with recognition for the nuclear sector contribution, according to the statement of Minister of Economy, Trade and Business Environment Adriean Videanu, given on the occasion of the European Union Council on energy issues in Brussels…
At least 70,000 state sector employees might be laid off by year-end
At least 70,000 state sector employees might be laid off in the next six months in order to return to the present salaries level, Andreea Paul Vass, personal adviser to Prime Minister Emil Boc told a debate on the national television on Monday evening. She said that the number of layoffs is enough for such a short period of time, adding…
Highest wind power park: in Lotrului Mountains at 2,000 m altitude
A wind power park which will comprise between 60 and 100 wind turbines will be built by a Spanish company in Lotrului Mountains at the height of 2,000 metres, Speciality Referent at the Valcea Territorial Inspectorate for Forest and Hunting Administration Mihai Pleseanu told for Agerpres…