Archive » November 2009 » 23 November 2009 The english news from 23 November 2009

  • Foreign analysts expect worsening of Romania's economy

    Over 1,000 financial experts from 88 countries, questioned by the Ifo institute in Germany, said that the economic situation in Romania and Latvia will be subject to ongoing deterioration in the coming six months. Romania and the Baltic states received the poorest grades in the region from the specialists questioned by Ifo…

  • Traian Basescu and Mircea Geoana to face off in the presidential run-off

    Traian Basescu, endorsed by the Democratic-Liberal Party (PD-L), and the candidate of the Social Democratic Party + Conservative Party (PSD+PC) Alliance Mircea Geoana, are first in today's presidential election, with Basescu holding a slight edge over Geoana, 32.8 percent to 31.7 percent, according to an exit poll conducted by the INSOMAR…

  • Romanian Chicken Farmers To Raise Prices As Of January 1, Over Elimination Of Subsidies

    Chicken meat will be at least 20% more expensive on the Romanian market as of January 1, 2010, as farmers will raise prices to compensate for the lack of subsidies starting next year, Romanian Bird Breeders National Union (UNCPR) president Ilie Van told MEDIAFAX…

  • Which two presidential candidates will run in round two?

    Presidential elections took place yesterday in Romania, with 12 candidates running the top spot. According to unofficial exit poll data at the close of this edition, the candidates who obtained the most votes in the race for the presidency are current President Traian Basescu, with 29-33 percent, and the leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Mircea Geoana, with 25-28 percent…

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