Archive » March 2009 » 19 March 2009 The english news from 19 March 2009

  • The IMF could let Romania go with a 4% budget gap for 2009, ING analysts deem

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) could accept a budget deficit of around 4 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) for 2009 in Romania's case during negotiations for a loan, consider analysts of lender ING. However, the IMF will not approve of a public deficit larger than 5 percent of the GDP because this would be hard to finance and would fail to bring any adjustment on last year…

  • UniCredit Tiriac posts 37 percent hike in profit

    At a Cash Reserve Ratio of 20 percent for foreign currency, compared to the current 40 percent level imposed by the National Bank of Romania, UniCredit Tiriac Bank, one of the top 10 players in the Romanian banking system in terms of assets, would stop externalizing loans, said the lender's Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Rasvan Radu…

  • Romanians Register Cars In Bulgaria To Avoid Tax

    Romanian and Bulgarian ministries of interior are looking for a "catch" that could prevent Romanians from registering their cars in the name of Bulgarian nationals to avoid paying car taxes, Romanian Environment Minister Nicolae Nemirschi said Wednesday. Nemirschi said he finds it unfair that Romanians who register their cars in Bulgaria can use the same road infrastructure as car owners who pay the road tolls levied by the Romanian authorities…

  • President Basescu, at works of European Spring Council

    President Traian Basescu will attend on Thursday and Friday in Brussels the meting of heads of state and government of EU member states, who will approach the economic and financial situation of the Union, according to a release sent on Wednesday by the presidential administration…

  • Ford and Renault to get financing of EUR 400m and 200m from EIB, Romanian president says

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) approved a 400 million euro credit for car maker Ford and a 200 million euro one for Renault, to help protect investments in Romania after the car market was pretty shaken up by the crisis, according to the president Traian Basescu, currently in Brussels.…

  • Asesoft eyes Flamingo's distribution division

    Businessman Sebastian Ghita, owner of the Asesoft group, one of the top players on the local IT & C distribution market, is negotiating the takeover of Flamingo International household appliance retailer's distribution division.…

  • Romanian Govt Agrees EIB's Proposed Capital Hike

    The Romanian Government approved in principle a hike of European Investment Bank's capital, through reducing the institution's reserves, in order to permit granting more funds to member states, the Prime Minister Emil Boc said Thursday.…

  • Services and constructions, highest contribution to GDP rise in 2008

    The services and constructions had the highest contribution to the rise of 7.1 percent of the GDP (gross domestic product) registered in 2008, according to figures supplied on Thursday by president of the National Statistics Institute (INS).…

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