Archive » June 2010 » 21 June 2010 The english news from 21 June 2010
More than 50,000 Romanian and foreign tourists on Black Sea coast
The total number of Romanian and foreign tourists on holiday on the Romanian seaside exceeded 50,000 this weekend, Secretary General of the Seaside - Danube Delta Association for Tourism Promotion and Development Cristina Frecea told Agerpres on Sunday. 'Compared with Friday, when there were 39,862 tourists on the Black Sea coast, their number reached perhaps 53,700 on Sunday afternoon,' Frecea said. …
Starting with July 1st, lunch vouchers are subject to taxes and royalties and taxes on gambling increase
Lunch, gift, nursery and holiday vouchers will be taxed starting with July 1st, when the new amendments to the Tax Code become effective, by means of which the Government estimates that it will get an extra income of 45.9 million lei (0.01% of GDP) this year. Moreover, copyrights and gambling are subject to additional taxes and some facilities that professional athletes benefited from will be canceled.…
South Stream could pass through Romania, rather than Bulgaria
The feasibility study dealing with the building of South Stream gas duct will take into account the pipeline passing through Romania, instead of Bulgaria, Mediafax reported, quoting Gazprom vice-president Alexander Medvedev's Friday statement to RIA Novosti. The company official said the group is contemplating the South Stream gas duct passing through Romania, instead of Bulgaria, and will prepare technical calculations for this likelihood.…