Archive » July 2010 » 29 July 2010 The english news from 29 July 2010
Romania wants another loan from the IMF. The state needs 13.5 billion Euro
In 2011, in an optimistic scenario that sees our economy getting out of the recession, the Government will have to borrow at least 13.5 billion Euro from banks, half the amount being necessary to pay salaries and pensions on time, and the other half to pay part of the loans taken out so far…
Economic activity expected to drop, prices to rise in Q3
According to the company managers that took part in a survey conducted by the National Statistics Institute (INS), the economic activity and the number of employees will drop in all sectors in Q3, while the prices will rise, Agerpres informs. According to the INS communique, the managers forecast a 6 per cent drop in production volume within the processing industry in the following three months…
Romania can effectively manage migration flows at Schengen Space external border
Romania is capable to effectively manage migration flows at the external border of the Schengen Space, in line with the standards used currently by the Schengen member states, maintains the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "Romania has the capacity to effectively manage the migration flows at the external border of the Schengen Space, at the same standards this issues are managed currently by the present Schengen member states …
Minister Elena Udrea: Tourist brand emphasizes what Romania has most beautiful
Agerpres special correspondent Roxana Clinciu reports: Romania's tourist brand was launched under the logo Romania - Explore the Carpathian Garden, at the World Expo Shanghai 2010. The leaf - a graphic element powerfully anchored in Romania's nature and tradition, brings the brand's visual identity into relief. The entire graphic symbol is intended to suggest the variety of Romania's specific geographical…
Money from sale of minority stakes should be invested in infrastructure
Minister of Economy, Trade and Business Environment Adriean Videanu told a press conference that he proposed the representatives of the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission that the amounts raised from privatization deals and the sale of minority stakes be used as sources to support investments. "I raised an important issue related to revenues from privatization and the sale of minority stakes.…
IMF relation criticised
Romania is a sovereign country and, if the Romanian government thinks the country is better off without the IMF, each can choose to walk its own way, the head of the IMF mission, Jeffrey Franks, stated, quoted by Mediafax, after talks with trade unions, patronages and entrepreneurs. The latter were hoping for concrete proposals for emerging out of the financial crisis, but the head of the delegation…