Archive » December 2008 » 15 December 2008 The english news from 15 December 2008

  • Dacia: If sales do not rebound, we'll lay off 3,000 people

    Francois Fourmont, general manager of Automobile Dacia, says the company is likely to cut down the plant's production from three to two shifts in 2009, which would entail 3,000 layoffs. Crisis measures are necessary in the entire car industry in the current economic context, marked by technical unemployment for more than a third of the sector's employees…

  • Romania's insurance market to idle or inch slightly next year on financial turmoil, player says

    The Romanian insurance market could remain still or increase below 10 percent next year following the economic crisis, the most affected segments being Casco and credit insurance, said the general manager of insurance company EuroIns Romania, Bogdan Stan…

  • Protocol signed by PSD+PC, PD-L valid till 2012

    The Partnership for Romania protocol signed on Sunday at Parliament Palace by the leaderships of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), Conservative Party (PC) and Democratic Liberal Party (PD-L) includes 25 goals that chiefly target the reform of crucial sectors of the Romanian society and the increased efficiency and credibility of the parliamentary institution…

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