Archive » August 2010 » 06 August 2010 The english news from 06 August 2010
Dominic Bruynseels, BCR: Romania's economic situation, one of the most difficult
BCR CEO Dominic Bruynseels considers that it is fairly likely for the Romanian banking sector to finish the year in the red according to Romanian Accounting Standards (RAS), Mediafax informs. On the other hand, he pointed out that Romania's economic situation is one of the most difficult among the countries in which Austria's Erste group is active. Nicolae Cinteza, director of BNR's…
Basescu: A country that takes loans to pay wages and pensions is a second-rate one
President Traian Basescu made another appearance on national television on Wednesday evening, in which he commented on the crisis and the austerity measures taken by the government, while launching another round of criticism on certain strategies of the Executive, on banks and his old-standing adversaries - the tycoons. Government - taken to task, September 1 deadline - still on…
Industrial new orders up by 24 percent in first six months
In the first six months of 2010, the industrial new orders went up by 23.9 percent overall, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, due to the increase registered in the intermediate goods industry (+31.7 percent), capital goods industry (+25.9 percent) and in the consumer durables industry (+18.1 percent)…