Archive » October 2009 » 06 October 2009 The english news from 06 October 2009
The state to guarantee each Rafo job with E275,000
The government headed by Prime Minister Emil Boc is due to revive the Rafo Onesti refinery, which posted losses for no less than nine years and was shut down in February 2008, by granting record state guarantees, worth €330 million…
Romanian Car Maker Association Wants Car Park Renewal Program To Continue Despite Low Sales
Romanian car maker association APIA wants the car park renewal program to continue even if people will not be able to scrap three used cars for a new one and the sales registered by dealers are down…
Sorin Oprescu officially announces his presidential bid
Romania's Capital Mayor General Sorin Oprescu officially announced he is an independent candidate for president of the country. 'I decided to make a run at Romania's presidency', said Oprescu…
Government lays off over 10,300 rail workers
Over 10,300 railway companies' workers will be laid off and paid the double of the net average wage at the data when their employment is discontinued, the unemployment benefit, as well as an additional monthly income for a period of 20 to 24 months according to the worker's length of employment, under a draft ordinance developed by the Transport Ministry, Mediafax informs…