Archive » June 2006 » 27 June 2006 The english news from 27 June 2006

  • Romania: IT&C Ministry Launches 7 Projects in '06

    The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCTI) initiated in 2006 seven IT&C projects that can greatly improve the relations between citizens and administration, ACT Media news agency reports.…

  • Romania: Over 3,000 Joint Ventures Registered in Jan-April '06

    The number of trading companies running foreign capital, registered over January-April in Romania, rose to 3,801, the total value of the subscribed share capital amounting to 1.262 billion lei (approximately 0.36 billion euros), according to data centralised by the National Statistics Institute, ACT Media news agency reports.…

  • Romania: Thermoelectrica Posts Loss of RON 135.5 M in '05

    Termoelectrica company ended the year of 2005 with a gross loss of RON 135.5 M, almost double as compared to the negative result reported in 2004, namely RON 71.2 M, for a turnover dropping 9 per cent, according to the company’s data, Nine o' Clock reports.…

  • Greece: Diekat Takes Over Project Worth €4,36 mil in Romania

    Diekat’s subsidiary Diekat Construct signed a contract worth €4,36 mil with SC Exalco Romania SRL for a project consisting of the construction of a metallic building of 8.174 m2 inlcuding loading platforms, water and sewage systems, etc.…

  • Romania: Q1 GDP Reaches Over 60 bn RON

    Romania's GDP exceeded in Q1 2006 the value of 61.034 billion RON, being by 10 billion RON above the level recorded in the similar period of 2005, according to the figures with the National Institute of Statistics, ACT Media news agency reports.…

  • Romania: Holcim to Invest €0.6 mil in Personnel Development

    Holcim Romania, specialising in the production of construction materials, announced that it will invest approx. EUR 0.6 M this year in personal and professional development programmes for employees, NIne o' Clock reports.…

  • Romania: Democrats Support Increase of Local Authorities Competencies

    PD leaders passed a political Resolution on the extension of local authority competencies, under which it requests the Government to give up some of the prerogatives of ministries and governmental agencies and to only preserve the regulation and inspection power, Nine o' Clock reports.…

  • Romania: Foreign Investors Heavily Interested in Residential Projects

    Spanish, Greek, Israeli, Irish and Austrian developers have bought big plots of land in northern Bucharest, ready to invest, when the moment comes, in big residential development projects, daily Ziarul Financiar wrote, ACT Media news agency reports.…

  • Romania: Sitraco Twins to Develop Residential Project Worth €60 mil

    Future Group Company, involved in Sitraco Twins project, and Adama Holding will develop in Bucharest's Titan residential district (the southeastern part of the Capital) a residential project called Eneida with an estimated value of 60 million euros, Ziarul Financiar daily wrote, ACT Media news agency reports.…

  • Romania: Alstom-Metrorex Contract May be Cancelled

    The maintenance contract signed by Metrorex and Alstom may be cancelled, with traffic conditions worsening for subway users in the meantime, Nine o' Clock reports.…

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