Archive » January 2010 » 19 January 2010 The english news from 19 January 2010

  • The Comarnic-Brasov motorway section to be inaugurated in four years

    The Comarnic-Brasov motorway section will be inaugurated in four years, that is in January 2014, and the operation, construction, financing and design costs amount to 4.8 billion euros, declared on Monday Dana Galben, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure concessions director, upon signing the concession agreement with the Vinci and Aktor companies…

  • EU Study Finds 76% Of Romanians Could Not Afford Holiday Away From Home In 2008

    A European Union study on living conditions in the year 2008 shows that 76% of Romanians could not afford a week's vacation away from home, 49% could not afford a personal car, and 19% could not afford a meal with meat, chicken or fish every other day…

  • BNR: FDI harsh drop in November 2009

    According to the data published by the National Bank of Romania (BNR) on Friday, the foreign direct investments (FDI) have dropped 900 per cent from EUR 975 M in November 2008 to EUR 105 M in November 2009. This is the most serious year-on-year FDI drop in the last 10 years…

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