Archive » January 2010 » 06 January 2010 The english news from 06 January 2010

  • Industrial output prices up by 2.6 pct on 2008 - statistics institute

    The industrial output prices were up by 0.6 percent in November from October 2009 and by 2.6 percent on November 2008, the National Institute of Statistics announced in a release to Agerpres on Tuesday. The industrial output prices - both in the domestic and foreign market - were up by 0.6 percent compared to the previous month…

  • Romania Ctrl Bk Cuts Key Rate By 50 Bps To 7.5%

    Romania's central bank on Tuesday decided to lower the key monetary policy rate by 50 basis points, to 7.5% on the year, and to maintain the current levels of minimum requirements on both foreign currency-denominated and leu-denominated liabilities. The new rate is applied as of January 6, the central bank said in a statement…

  • Trade unions accept minimum salary at RON 705 in the public sector

    The leader of 'Cartel Alfa' trade unions federation, Bogdan Hossu (photo) said after a meeting with the Labour minister that he supports a law on collective layoffs that would solve the rights of those to be made redundant and would provide for their professional reconversion and reintegration on the labour market…

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